So we lost the chamionship game...disappointing...yes.
But in other news my laptop broke. Which sucks becuase now I actually have to buy something that works. Big pain in the butt. See I am a cheapskate. I don't buy much for myself becuase I can live off very little.
But now I have to eventually buy a computer. So here's how Im gonna do it.
I am going to find a group of bandits to rope into my sceme. These bandits of course will be rodeo carnis, they may have small hands, but they have slinty eyes and they are good disguisers.
So these carnies and I are going to start a traveling pants band. Which involves wearing pants on your head and playing the bango while dancing around in circles. While my carni bandits do this incestous act I will be flying from the ceiling and spreading the smell of cinnomin around. It's proven that if you spread cinnomin around your selling pitch your audience will stick around longer and eventually spend money.
So they will give my bandit group money enough to provide for their needs, such as food and pants. They will not need shelter becuase they all live in that little carni car.
If this does not succeed I will probabley get a part time job to cover my expenses...but that's always the last resort.
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Just kidding...good luck with the job thing, when i was a student i worked at the ole Cracker Barrel for a little while--it wasn't that bad...
Alison-have fun with the jobs in lincoln..basically you have fast food..or the LCC office.
i happen to like this Carnie Bandits idea. YOu should go for it.
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