Friday, April 20, 2007


Thursday day: met with a prof. who might give a cool opportunity for the next seven years. Took a Greek test, went and saw God move in IDS through PowerPoint and listened to old English.

Thursday night: Watched three episodes of House. Discussed the identity of Satan. Came up with a pro and con list.

Friday: Woke up and went to work. Gave a military man a tour of our school and ever time we entered a building he took his beret off. Got two free Starbucks drinks.

Friday night: Went to Bloomington where a small little Indian girl followed friends out of a store. Roommate was concerned so she did what any Indiana bred girl would do, she talked to the nearest police man. Only problem is this little girl didn't speak English. A nice women came up and started talking to her in Hindi. Mystery solved. Unless the women kidnapped her, then all helped in abating a criminal. Roommate just discussed that the child should have come to Lincoln.

Watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and discovered that the best movie line should always be the last.

Learned that when the plan that you really think is going to happen, happens, suddenly doubts become more prevalent. Frustrating.

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