Saturday, September 29, 2007

No, Seriously...

Dear Readers,

This is it. I have thought about this for the last couple of months, and I think we just need to stop.

It's not you it's me. Well it is you. It's both of us.

No, seriously. I need to take a sabbatical from public writing. And here are the reasons why.

1. I am publishing a lot of stuff on my blog, which is good, but some of the stuff I am publishing needs to be written about somewhere else before it is presented to the public.

2. I can't live without my blog. Well I actually can't live without writing. I think this might be turning into a bad habit. I know some of you enjoy reading my stuff, but I think I need a break.

3. I'm tired of being so transparent. haha. I know that sounds selfish but you need to realize that a lot of the stuff that I am writing are private and personal thoughts, and most of the thoughts that I publish are not full thoughts. They are pieces of something much bigger.

4. I'm also tired of being scrutinized. I know that if I am going to be a writer I am going to have to get used to being criticized, but now is not that time. I don't think I can take one more person telling me my stuff is cliche, or boring, or badly written. If I continue to write I will just get so frustrated that my discipline and my attitude will down spiral.

So, I'm ending it. I appreciate the fact that you have been reading for a while and those who have commented thanks.

But don't worry it will only be a six to nine month thing. I am blogging somewhere else so I will still be in practice. Please don't try and find me. It will be better for both of us if we just let it go.

Shhh...please don't say anything else.

It's hard for me to.


your devoted and yet tired author.


Tanya said...

This is a really cute pic of you, Ali:) Miss you!

Shotgun Willie said...

Whenever I break up with someone, I use a line I learned from Church Norris: "It's not me, it's you."


And that is a cute pic :)