Monday, February 20, 2006

"Grey ARea"

So I got my second IDS paper today. I did pretty well however my section leader wrote something pretty interesting on my back page. I guesse I have to start with what the paper was about before I can get to the comment that got me riled up. I was assigned to read three chapters out of a book and interact with the authors ideas and theories according to what I believe ect. So that's what I did. I took some of the ideas that this author put out and I said...hey there's grey area in the bible somtimes. However mentioning grey area freaks my sec. leader out. He agrees that grey area is there but he wrote that we as Christians need to live in the light. Satan lives in the grey and he probably likes it better there becuase at times it seems ok. I do think he is right to some extent. But how do we live in the light and still realize that the grey needs to be engaged. Im actually frustrated that Christians are afraid of the grey because they are bearers of the light. The light resides in them and if they are connected to the light then they should be able to live in the grey. How are we supposed to love if we can't live or engage in the grey? The grey is the world. WE are called to be apart from it but still be in it to share the light. I probably could write for days on this but I decided to keep it short. Just food for thought.

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