Sunday, July 31, 2005

False words

Iv'e developed a new pet peeve.

When someone either precieves what I'm saying or just makes a whole conversation up in their head and have decided to tag my name onto the whole situation. I just found out that I had a conversation that I never had and I said something detremential to someone that I never said. Instead of this person coming to me and fixing the situation this person is going around and telling different people about these things that I didn't say and things that I didn't do.

It's so frustrating to here someone using my words, or lack of to say things that are not right and are not truth.

I guesse that will happen occasionally in a community of sin. A power struggle, unfortunetley.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Like Sheep

Iv'e discovered that there are certain people that will be followers and leaders. It sounds simple and already discovered but, I have a problem, I have a prideful demeniar that makes me sound like I know what I'm talking about. It also may aquire that we were just talking about Sheperding in small group and a lot of people are like sheep.

It really has everything to do with the fact that I'm opininated. It gets me in trouble sometimes though. But really why do people listen to me. I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm declaring that I really don't know anything yet people come back for advice.
For example Iv'e been serving in my recent student ministry for the past couple of years and people think that I know much more about ministry than I do.
It astounds me the conversations I have with people who don't realize I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm all opinion.
I think it also has something to do with my confidence level. I'm out spoken about things even though in my mind I really am saying "STOP Talking!" I seem to be knowledgable about things and sound smart becuase I have a semi-decent vocabulary that people just nod their heads and agree like I have some sort of right to say what I say.

Poposterous. Sometimes I just want to say something completley out of character so maybe someone will get the clue that I know just as much as anybody else.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


It's amazing what conflict does to a period of time and a relationship. It astouds me the emotional and physical torments and unsolved conflict can have on a person. It amazes me becuase junior high students are surrounded/surrounds themselves with conflict.
It's almost like they are attracted to conflict and as a leader its tiring. It's so tiring to deal with dramatic things that you know as a leader arn't that big of a deal but to my junior high grils it's the end of the World. Not the end of thier world the end of THE world.
But that's also what makes them fun and unique becuase after all the conflict they become who they are. They know a little bit about there world and about others worlds. They develop a skin, maybe a thick one, maybe too thick. They see the world either in a naive way of thinking or in a fighting mentality.

Junior High camp has been interesting this year and full of emotion.