Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pure Enjoyment.

So, I came back to Lincoln today with a frustrating week and weekend behind me. I decided to watch a pretty depressing movie, so my mood wasn't the best.

But then my roommate came back. We did some chatting and I vented a little and then we did something that will remain in roommate history for as long as I live.

I just happened to turn some music on and I started a new game. I would go through a mixed list and every song would get played only fifteen seconds. In that fifteen seconds my roommate had to make up a dance for every random song.

Now not only was this enjoyable for me but it also got my roommate laughing. I finally could not stay seated and turned it to a dance song and got off my bed and started dancing. Now if any of you know me well you know that I am the best worst dancer. I am the best because I can dance in perfect beat. I am the worst because...well let's just say you would have to see it to believe it.

So my roommate and I are now both standing up dancing like crazed maniacs, and our shade is open. Wide open for the world to see.

I am just glad we don't go to a baptist school or we might have been kicked out for dancing. We ended up closing the blinds and having a great time.

Lesson learned; that one truly should enjoy oneself in a state of pure enjoyment while dancing with one's enjoyable roommate.

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