Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My life as an embarrassment

So I have discovered some things about my life.
First: Im constantley clumsly...I run into walls, tables, desks, peoples, doors, I also drop things constantley. Always throwing things around.
Second: My whole life is an embarrassment. Heres why-I consistently stick my foot in my mouth:

Let me write to you an example of the second statment:
I was sitting in my Principles of bible study today just spacing which I sometimes do. Right when I snapped back into reality my Prof said "Christians don't like to talk about sex" and in complete utter reaction I stated "I do" loud enough for the whole class to here. Now lets review the two previous statement...I run into things and I put my foot in my mouth. After I stated that I talk about sex my whole class started laughing which is the reaction that someone should get after a comment like that.

I suddenley became transparent in front of my whole class as one student pointed out and was know as "Well Alison was transparent" the rest of the class. HA

So if you have any embarrassing stories please leave it for everyone to see.
umm Again this kind of thing happens to me all the time.


Tanya said...

one time in high school we were giving a concert and i fell off the risers onto the floor with my skirt flying up for all the old guys at the Elks lodge to see along with all my classmates.
That has got to make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »