Monday, September 24, 2007

There once was a road. This road was not a grandious road, but it had seen it's days of wonder. This road had been trampled on by many different kind of people. Majestic souls and sorrowful beings.

One day a women came to stand upon this road. She was beautiful beyond comparison. She had long dark hair and fair skin. Her eyes would peirce your soul if she looked into you face and her lips where cherry blossom red. She held to her close a flask of water which she was supposed to use in later events.

She stood at the very edge of the road waiting for something. She was surpassed by many men and women who were doing there daily activities. Carrying water, delivering mail, having light conversations. No one addressed her and she addressed no one. In her heart she knew what she was waiting for. Someone told her of a very magnificant prince. She was told to go and wait for this man whom she was called to meet. She was told that the man that was this prince would ask for a drink.

She had imagined this man to be tall in stature and blessed in purple clothe. Someone worth spending time with. Many men walked by and she looked at all of them, none seemed to fit her image.

This beautiful woman stood there for days waiting for her prince. She looked into every man's eyes and even got to the point of giving her water away. She so desperatly wanted to be loved that she couldn't wait any longer.

"When will this man come and save me?" She thought this idea every day and so longed to be rescued from the turmoil of this road.

Months went by and she stood there when suddenly a man rode on a horse.

"Ma'm may I have some water?" This women was so excited that she reached for the flask that she had once held so close. She hurridly gave it to the man and he put it up to his lips, but nothing came out.

She had wasted her water on men of less importance. The man on the horse looked at her in disgust and threw the flask at her feet, he rode off without speaking a word.

She sat there and wept. She was in such disgrace. Suddenly another man came along.

"Daughter why must you weep so?" He asked, inquring about her disgraceful state.

"Wouldn't you like some of my water?"

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