Monday, October 01, 2007

Making a Concious Decision.

Last night I made a decision that I will probably regret in the future.

I have made the decision to become a vulnerable person.

I guess it sounds silly but I think it will be good for me. I so often forget that Christ can be seen in mankind, because I have such a negative and disappointing viewpoint of humanity. Partly because I see all of us as fallen and partly because I secretly have no hope for anything man does.

It sounds weird because I am in love with the church, but I have such a hard time with the people. I guess I have been put in a 'leadership' position so many times that I have gotten so used to keeping things to myself. I view man as an enemy in the mission of the church. But, people are not the enemy, sin is.

I also fail to realize that the Holy Spirit has no desire in a leader who is not willing to be taught. So last night I said out loud that that if I am going to be vulnerable with people it needs to be a conscious decision on my part.

I am putting myself out there for the world to spit on, and throw things at.

But I know that I am not on my own, and that everything I am trying to represent revolves around Christ himself. So, I think this is a good step in the right direction.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I think the best part about being human is we are allowed to make mistakes.

The criticism begins when we stop getting up after we have fallen down.

Glad to see you got up again.